You Can Help Foster a Healthy Community
You can advocate, donate, share our stories, share your stories, stay in touch, and adapt our model of care and discoveries to your work and community.

Wherever You Live
Share Food
Host neighbors for a cross-cultural comfort food potluck or deliver dessert to a family you want to meet.
Share Stories
Suggest a story sharing time for your church or school.
Risk an Adventure
Visit a barbershop, a church, or a store that might be a little out of your comfort zone.
Help out at a food pantry, resale shop, school fundraiser -- and look for chances to connect with new neighbors.

Where We Live -- Goshen
Do you live in or near Goshen? Help foster a healthy Goshen community.
How to Support the People we Serve

You can advocate for our patients and patients like ours through the National Association for Community Health Centers (NACHC).
NACHC Advocacy
You can share money by donating to the projects below. If you have other assets you want to share, contact us.
Donate to MCHCC
Share Stories
You can share our stories with the people you know or share your story with us. (We'll keep your story confidential unless we have your permission to share it.)
Read Our StoriesProject to Support

Tattoo Removal
Help people who want a new start. We use laser technology to remove tattoos that hinder employment or bind people to a gang.